Dune NVMe Storage Support
DuneNvme  1.0.2
This is a simple NVMe test environment that allows experimentation with the low level PCIe NVMe interfaces as available on a Xilinx FPGA environment.
Behavioral Architecture Reference


PROCESS_15  ( clk )
PROCESS_16  ( clk )
 Implement input block dropping on request.


NvmeStorageUnit  <Entity NvmeStorageUnit>
 Generate simulation core.
AxisDataConvertFifo  <Entity AxisDataConvertFifo>
 nvme PCIe RX minus lanes
NvmeStreamMux  <Entity NvmeStreamMux>
 The Fifo size in bytes.


TCQ  time := 1 ns
 Nvme1 replies output stream.


reset_l  std_logic := ' 0 '
wvalid_delay  std_logic := ' 0 '
regRead_delay  std_logic := ' 0 '
rvalid_delay  unsigned ( 8 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
hostSend0  AxisStreamType
hostRecv0  AxisStreamType
data0  AxisStreamType := AxisStreamOutput
nvme0Send  AxisStreamType
nvme0Recv  AxisStreamType
data1  AxisStreamType := AxisStreamOutput
nvme1Send  AxisStreamType
nvme1Recv  AxisStreamType
regControl  std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
 Control register.
regWrite  std_logic := ' 0 '
 Enable write to register.
regRead  std_logic := ' 0 '
 Enable read from register.
regAddress  unsigned ( 9 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )
 Register to read/write.
regWrite0  std_logic := ' 0 '
regWrite1  std_logic := ' 0 '
readNvme1  std_logic := ' 0 '
regDataOut0  std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 )
regDataOut1  std_logic_vector ( 31 downto 0 )
enabled_n  std_logic := ' 0 '
dataSelect  std_logic := ' 0 '
dataIn_ready_l  std_logic := ' U '
dataIn0  AxisDataStreamType
dataIn0_ready  std_logic := ' U '
dataIn1  AxisDataStreamType
dataIn1_ready  std_logic := ' U '
dataEnabledOut0  std_logic := ' U '
dataEnabledOut1  std_logic := ' U '
dropCount  integer range 0 to NumBlocksDrop := 0
dropBlocks  std_logic := ' 0 '
regBlocksLost  unsigned ( 31 downto 0 ) := ( others = > ' 0 ' )


dataconvert0  AxisDataConvertFifo <Entity AxisDataConvertFifo>
 Store incomming block for Nvme0.
dataconvert1  AxisDataConvertFifo <Entity AxisDataConvertFifo>
 Store incomming block for Nvme1.
nvmestreammux0  NvmeStreamMux <Entity NvmeStreamMux>
 Multiplex/de-multiplex Pcie packet streams to the two NvmeStorageUnits.
nvmestorageunit0  NvmeStorageUnit <Entity NvmeStorageUnit>
 Nvme0 storage unit.
nvmestorageunit1  NvmeStorageUnit <Entity NvmeStorageUnit>
 Nvme1 storage unit.

Member Data Documentation

◆ nvmestorageunit0

nvmestorageunit0 NvmeStorageUnit

Nvme0 storage unit.

The Pcie hardblock block to use

◆ nvmestorageunit1

nvmestorageunit1 NvmeStorageUnit

Nvme1 storage unit.

The Pcie hardblock block to use

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • /src/dune/source/DuneNvme/src/NvmeStorage.vhd