Tms::TmsControl Class Reference

This interface provides functions to control, test and get statistics from the TMS as a whole. More...

#include <TmsC.h>

Inheritance diagram for Tms::TmsControl:
BoapClientObject BSocket

Public Member Functions

 TmsControl (BString name="")
BError getVersion (BString &version)
 Gets the software version.
BError setProcessPriority (BUInt32 priority)
 Sets the priority of the process servicing this service.
BError init ()
 Initialises the system including resetting all of the PUPE engines firmware. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error condition as appropriate.
BError configure (ConfigInfo configInfo)
 Configure the system for use. This includes mapping the individual physical PickUp channels to logical pickup channels.
BError getConfiguration (ConfigInfo &configInfo)
 Get the current configuration.
BError setControlInfo (CycleParam params)
 Sets the control information for the cycle type given. The parameters for the processing cycle are passed, this includes the Phase and State table information. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error.
BError getControlInfo (BString cycleType, BUInt32 ring, BUInt32 puChannel, CycleParam &params)
 Gets the control information for the cycle type and puChannel number given. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error.
BError delControlInfo (BString cycleType, BUInt32 ring, BUInt32 puChannel)
 Deletes the control information for the cycle type and puChannel number given. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error.
BError getControlList (BList< CycleParamItem > &itemList)
 Gets the list of Cycle Parameters present in the system.
BError setNextCycle (BUInt32 cycleNumber, BString cycleType)
 Sets the cycle number and type for the next processing cycle. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error condition as appropriate. This should be called at least 10ms before the next CYCLE_START event.
BError test (BList< BError > &errors)
 Performs a basic test of the system returning a list of errors. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error condition as appropriate.
BError getStatus (BList< NameValue > &statusList)
 Returns the current status of the system. This information includes the number of Pick-Up's present and their individual status.
BError getStatistics (BList< NameValue > &statsList)
 Returns a list of the statistic values as name/value pairs. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error condition as appropriate.
BError getPuChannel (BUInt32 puChannel, PuChannel &puPhysChannel)
 Returns the physical module/Pupe/Channel number given a logical PickUp id. This can be used so that the individual PickUps test functions can be accessed etc.
BError setSimulation (Simulation simulation)
 Sets overall simulation modes.
BError getSimulation (Simulation &simulation)
 Gets current simulation modes.
BError setTestMode (PuChannel puPhysChannel, BUInt32 testOutput, BUInt32 timingDisableMask)
 The signal source for the digital test output connector. 0: None, 1: FrefLocal. The timingDisableMask bit mask defines which of the timing inputs should be disabled. If a timing input is disabled it can be still operated by software command.
BError setTimingSignals (PuChannel puPhysChannel, BUInt32 timingSignals)
 This function sets the given timing signals to the values as defined in the timingSignals bit array.
BError captureDiagnostics (PuChannel puPhysChannel, TestCaptureInfo captureInfo, BArray< BUInt64 > &data)
 This function will capture the diagnostics.
BError setTestData (PuChannel puPhysChannel, BInt32 on, BArray< BUInt32 > data)
 This function will set a PU channel to sample data from memory rather than the ADC's.
BError setPupeConfig (PuChannel puPhysChannel, PupeConfig pupeConfig)
 Sets special PUPE configuration for test purposes.
BError getPupeConfig (PuChannel puPhysChannel, PupeConfig &pupeConfig)
 Gets special PUPE configuration for test purposes.
BError puServerStarted (BUInt32 number)
 A TmsPuServer has started.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BoapClientObject
 BoapClientObject (BString name="")
virtual ~BoapClientObject ()
BError connectService (BString name)
 Connects to the named service.
BError disconnectService ()
 Disconnects from the named service.
BString getServiceName ()
 Get the name of the service.
BError ping (BUInt32 &apiVersion)
 Pings the connection and finds the remotes version number.
BError setConnectionPriority (BoapPriority priority)
 Sets the connection priority.
void setMaxLength (BUInt32 maxLength)
 Sets the maximum packet length.
void setTimeout (int timeout)
 Sets the timeout in micro seconds. -1 is wait indefinitely.
 BoapClientObject (BString name)
BError connectService (BString name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BSocket
 BSocket ()
 BSocket (int fd)
 BSocket (NType type)
 BSocket (int domain, int type, int protocol)
 ~BSocket ()
BError init (int domain, int type, int protocol)
BError init (NType type)
void setFd (int fd)
int getFd ()
BError bind (const BSocketAddress &add)
BError connect (const BSocketAddress &add)
BError shutdown (int how)
BError close ()
BError listen (int backlog=5)
BError accept (int &fd)
BError accept (int &fd, BSocketAddress &address)
BError send (const void *buf, BSize nbytes, BSize &nbytesSent, int flags=0)
BError sendTo (const BSocketAddress &address, const void *buf, BSize nbytes, BSize &nbytesSent, int flags=0)
BError recv (void *buf, BSize maxbytes, BSize &nbytesRecv, int flags=0)
BError recvFrom (BSocketAddress &address, void *buf, BSize maxbytes, BSize &nbytesRecv, int flags=0)
BError recvWithTimeout (void *buf, BSize maxbytes, BSize &nbytesRecv, int timeout, int flags=0)
BError recvFromWithTimeout (BSocketAddress &address, void *buf, BSize maxbytes, BSize &nbytesRecv, int timeout, int flags=0)
BError setSockOpt (int level, int optname, void *optval, unsigned int optlen)
BError getSockOpt (int level, int optname, void *optval, unsigned int *optlen)
BError setReuseAddress (int on)
BError setBroadCast (int on)
BError setPriority (Priority priority)
BError getMTU (uint32_t &mtu)
BError getAddress (BSocketAddress &address)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from BSocket
enum  NType { STREAM , DGRAM }
enum  Priority { PriorityLow , PriorityNormal , PriorityHigh }
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BoapClientObject
BError pingLocked (BUInt32 &apiVersion)
BError checkApiVersion ()
BError performCall (BoapPacket &tx, BoapPacket &rx)
 Performs a RPC call to the named service.
BError performSend (BoapPacket &tx)
 Performs a send to the named service.
BError performRecv (BoapPacket &rx)
 Performs a receive.
virtual BError handleReconnect (BError err)
 Handle a reconnect performing autorisaztion if required.
BError performSend (BoapPacket &tx)
BError performRecv (BoapPacket &rx)
BError performCall (BoapPacket &tx, BoapPacket &rx)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BoapClientObject
BString oname
BUInt32 oapiVersion
BoapPriority opriority
BoapService oservice
int oconnected
BUInt32 omaxLength
BoapPacket otx
BoapPacket orx
BMutex olock
int otimeout
int oreconnect
 Handle an automatic reconnect on timeout.

Detailed Description

This interface provides functions to control, test and get statistics from the TMS as a whole.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TmsControl()

Tms::TmsControl::TmsControl ( BString  name = "")

Member Function Documentation

◆ captureDiagnostics()

BError Tms::TmsControl::captureDiagnostics ( PuChannel  puPhysChannel,
TestCaptureInfo  captureInfo,
BArray< BUInt64 > &  data 

This function will capture the diagnostics.

◆ configure()

BError Tms::TmsControl::configure ( ConfigInfo  configInfo)

Configure the system for use. This includes mapping the individual physical PickUp channels to logical pickup channels.

configInfoThe channel mapping table.

This function configures the logical to physical channel mapping table.

◆ delControlInfo()

BError Tms::TmsControl::delControlInfo ( BString  cycleType,
BUInt32  ring,
BUInt32  puChannel 

Deletes the control information for the cycle type and puChannel number given. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error.

cycleTypeThis string defines the cycle type to delete from the database.
puChannelThis defines the specific channel to delete the information for. 0 means all channels.

This function will delete a set of Cycle parameters from the TMS's Cycle parameter database.

◆ getConfiguration()

BError Tms::TmsControl::getConfiguration ( ConfigInfo configInfo)

Get the current configuration.

configInfoThe channel mapping table that is filled in with the current curent channel mapping.

This function reads the current logical to physical channel mapping table.

◆ getControlInfo()

BError Tms::TmsControl::getControlInfo ( BString  cycleType,
BUInt32  ring,
BUInt32  puChannel,
CycleParam params 

Gets the control information for the cycle type and puChannel number given. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error.

cycleTypeThis string defines the cycle type for which to get the information.
puChannelThis defines the channel to get the information for. 0 means all channels.
paramsThe resuting cycle parameters are placed in this object.

This function reads back the set of Cycle parameters for the given cycle type and channel number. Normall the same cycle parameters are used for all PUPE engines. In this case setting the puChannel to 0 reads the Cycle Parameters that are being used on all channels. If a specific channel has other parameters the puChannel variable can be set to the appropriate channel number to get its particular settings.

◆ getControlList()

BError Tms::TmsControl::getControlList ( BList< CycleParamItem > &  itemList)

Gets the list of Cycle Parameters present in the system.

itemListThe list of CycleType information is returned.

This function will return a list of entries describing the Cycle Paramter sets present in the TMS database.

◆ getPuChannel()

BError Tms::TmsControl::getPuChannel ( BUInt32  puChannel,
PuChannel puPhysChannel 

Returns the physical module/Pupe/Channel number given a logical PickUp id. This can be used so that the individual PickUps test functions can be accessed etc.

puChannelThe logical channel number.
puPhysChannelThe physical channel identifier is returned in this variable.

This function is given a logical pick-up channel number. It will return the physical module, pupe number and pupe channle that has been allocated to this channel.

◆ getPupeConfig()

BError Tms::TmsControl::getPupeConfig ( PuChannel  puPhysChannel,
PupeConfig pupeConfig 

Gets special PUPE configuration for test purposes.

puPhysChannelThe physical channel identifier.
pupeConfigThe returned configuration parameters.

This function returns the current configuration of the given channel.

◆ getSimulation()

BError Tms::TmsControl::getSimulation ( Simulation simulation)

Gets current simulation modes.

◆ getStatistics()

BError Tms::TmsControl::getStatistics ( BList< NameValue > &  statsList)

Returns a list of the statistic values as name/value pairs. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error condition as appropriate.

statsListThe statistics list is placed in this list object.

This function gets the statistics values from the TMS system. It returns a list of name/value pairs.

◆ getStatus()

BError Tms::TmsControl::getStatus ( BList< NameValue > &  statusList)

Returns the current status of the system. This information includes the number of Pick-Up's present and their individual status.

statusListThe list of status items is placed in this list object.

This function gets the status of the TMS system. It returns a list of name/value pairs.

◆ getVersion()

BError Tms::TmsControl::getVersion ( BString version)

Gets the software version.

versionA string variable filled in with the version number string.

◆ init()

BError Tms::TmsControl::init ( )

Initialises the system including resetting all of the PUPE engines firmware. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error condition as appropriate.

This function restarts the TMS system. It re-initialises each of the TmsPuServer processes running on the Module Controllers and reboots each of the PUPE boards from scratch loading the current FPGA firmware. All errors and statistics values are reset.

◆ puServerStarted()

BError Tms::TmsControl::puServerStarted ( BUInt32  number)

A TmsPuServer has started.

numberThe number of the PuServer started.

This is an internal function called by the TmsPuServer processes to indicate to the TmsServer that they have just started running and are present in the system. The TmsServer will initialise the appropriate tmsPuServer program and its individual PUPE engines on receipt of this call.

◆ setControlInfo()

BError Tms::TmsControl::setControlInfo ( CycleParam  params)

Sets the control information for the cycle type given. The parameters for the processing cycle are passed, this includes the Phase and State table information. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error.

paramsCycle information parameters (state/phase table information).

This function over-writes or adds an entry in the Cycle Parameter database. The Cycle Parameters define the setting for each processing cycle including the state and phase tables for the PUPE FPGA engines.

◆ setNextCycle()

BError Tms::TmsControl::setNextCycle ( BUInt32  cycleNumber,
BString  cycleType 

Sets the cycle number and type for the next processing cycle. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error condition as appropriate. This should be called at least 10ms before the next CYCLE_START event.

cycleNumberThis is the next cycle number. This should be an incrementing 32bit unsigned value.
cycleTypeThis is a string defining the cycle type for the next cycle.

This call configures the TMS system for the next processing cycle. It defines the cycle number that will be used to tag data captured during the cycle and it defines the type of machine cycle. The cycleType is used to lookup the appropriate state/phase table information to use in the FPGA's. The call should be made at least 10ms before the CYCLE_START event for the cycle it refers to. This gives time for the FPGA's to be loaded with the appropriate state/phase table information. As the function is time critical, the communications channel should be set to a high priority using the setPriority() call and the processing threads priority should be set to high using the setProcessPriority() call. The call will return the error: "ErrorCycleNumber", "The next cycle has already started" if the call has not completed before the CYCLE_START event. All client data reads, for this cycle, will also return this error message.

◆ setProcessPriority()

BError Tms::TmsControl::setProcessPriority ( BUInt32  priority)

Sets the priority of the process servicing this service.

priorityThis is the priority of the process. It can be set to one of: PriorityLow, PriorityNormal, PriorityHigh.

◆ setPupeConfig()

BError Tms::TmsControl::setPupeConfig ( PuChannel  puPhysChannel,
PupeConfig  pupeConfig 

Sets special PUPE configuration for test purposes.

puPhysChannelThe physical channel identifier.
pupeConfigThe configuration parameters to use.

This functions sets up some special configuration parameters for the PUPE channel. It is used mainly for diagnostics and test purposes. The main settings it can affect are: The ADC Clock sources PLL synchronisation, internal timing for the digtital timing signals and the enabling/dissabling of the BLR algorithem.

◆ setSimulation()

BError Tms::TmsControl::setSimulation ( Simulation  simulation)

Sets overall simulation modes.

◆ setTestData()

BError Tms::TmsControl::setTestData ( PuChannel  puPhysChannel,
BInt32  on,
BArray< BUInt32 data 

This function will set a PU channel to sample data from memory rather than the ADC's.

puPhysChannelThe physical channel identifier.
onBoolean to enable the internal data source. 0 is off, 1 is on.
dataThe array of 32bit data values to use as the FREF,Sigma,DeltaX and DeltaY test signal.

This call loads the PUPE systems test data SDRAM with the data passed in the data array. It then sets up the individual channel to sources its FREF, Sigma, DeltaX and DelatY signals from the test SDRAM. The data source should have a multiple of 2 samples. The "on" parameter is used to enable or disable the individual channels inputs from this test data SDRAM.

◆ setTestMode()

BError Tms::TmsControl::setTestMode ( PuChannel  puPhysChannel,
BUInt32  testOutput,
BUInt32  timingDisableMask 

The signal source for the digital test output connector. 0: None, 1: FrefLocal. The timingDisableMask bit mask defines which of the timing inputs should be disabled. If a timing input is disabled it can be still operated by software command.

puPhysChannelThe physical channel identifier.
testOutputThe signal to output on the test output. 0 is FREF any other value is undefined at the moment.
timingDisableMaskThis 8 bit mask defines which of the timing input signals are disabled.

This function sets up a particular pick-up channel's digital test output source and allows the channels input timing signals to be set to a software driven mode rather than taken from the hardware timing inputs. The timing mask bits are: 7 - FREF, 6 - HCHANGE, 5 - INJECTION, 4 - CAL_STOP, 3 - CAL_START, 2 - CYCLE_STOP, 1 - CYCLE_START, 0 - SYSCLOCK

◆ setTimingSignals()

BError Tms::TmsControl::setTimingSignals ( PuChannel  puPhysChannel,
BUInt32  timingSignals 

This function sets the given timing signals to the values as defined in the timingSignals bit array.

puPhysChannelThe physical channel identifier.
timingSignalsThe 8 bit mask defining the state of the software driven timing signals.

If the setTestMode() function had been used to "enable" particular timing signals to be driven by software, then this function can be used to set/reset particular timing signals for the pick-up channel given. The timing signals bits are: 7 - FREF, 6 - HCHANGE, 5 - INJECTION, 4 - CAL_STOP, 3 - CAL_START, 2 - CYCLE_STOP, 1 - CYCLE_START, 0 - SYSCLOCK

◆ test()

BError Tms::TmsControl::test ( BList< BError > &  errors)

Performs a basic test of the system returning a list of errors. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error condition as appropriate.

errorsThe list of errors is placed in this list object.

This function will perform a test of the TMS system. It will report each test performed and the status of the test in the BError object. A status value of 0 indicates all was Ok, any other value is an error where the number indicates the error. A string gives the test name and the Ok or error condition as a string.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: