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#	Master Makefile for tms-mcsys source
#	T.Barnaby,	BEAM Ltd,	2024-08-16
# This currently only creates the rootfs image for the TMS module controllers from an old RPM.
# It was originally used to build this system and could be modified to do this now although
# the source would need to be updated for the latest compiler tools etc.
# Note that some of Cern's TMS systems have only i686 capable CPU's so needs to be built for the i686.
# Normal build is (as root):
#	make rpms
TOP		= ${shell pwd}
srcDir		= ${shell pwd}

include Makefile.config

SVNROOT	= file:///src/cern/SVN/tms-mcsys

DESTDIR 	= ${srcDir}/rootfs
DISTDIR 	= /dist/tms
all:	rootfsAll kernelAll admxrcAll

	# Create tar image of original RPM
	mkdir -p image-tmp
	(cd image-tmp; rpm2cpio /dist/tms/i686/packages/tms-mcsys-2.1.0-2.beam.i686.rpm | cpio -idm)
	tar -C image-tmp -czf images/tms-mcsys-2.1.0-2.beam.tar.gz .
	rm -fr image-tmp

	mkdir -p rootfs-build rootfs kernel

config: 	init rootfsConfig kernelConfig admxrcConfig

install:	rootfsInstall kernelInstall kernelModulesInstall admxrcInstall nfsBootInstall

clean:	admxrcClean
	rm -fr rootfs-build rootfs var kernel
	rm -f networkBoot/initrd.img

rpms:	tms-mcsys.spec
	tar -czC .. -f ${rpmDir}/SOURCES/tms-mcsys.tar.gz tms-mcsys
	rpmbuild  --target=${arch} -bb -D "version ${version}" -D "release ${release}" tms-mcsys.spec

	cp ${rpmDir}/RPMS/${arch}/tms-mcsys-${version}-${release}*.${arch}.rpm ${DISTDIR}/packages
	createrepo ${DISTDIR}

	svn copy  -m "Release - ${version}-${release}" $(SVNROOT)/trunk $(SVNROOT)/tags/release-${version}-${release}

# Debug bits
	cp -a var/lib/tftpboot/tms-mcsys /var/lib/tftpboot

	cp -a rootfs /usr/tms

include Makefile.sys