* Title:	Control.h
* Author:	M.Thomas BEAM Ltd
* Date:		2007-02-13
* Contents:	All GUI access to the Tms server is routed through this class.
* Mod Rec:

#ifndef CONTROL_H
#define CONTROL_H	1

#include <BError.h>
#include <BString.h>
#include <TmsD.h>
#include <TmsC.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <Globals.h>

/// The main system control class
class Control : public QObject {
	void	setHost(BString name);				///< Set hostname of server
	BError	init();						///< Initialise the system
	BError	connect();					///< Connect to both Control and Process

	BError	reconfigure(Tms::ConfigInfo i);			///< Reconfigure the system
	BError	getConfiguration(Tms::ConfigInfo& i);		///< Get current configuration
	BError	runTest(BList<BError>& l);			///< Run the server selftest

	BError	getData(Tms::DataInfo info,Tms::Data& data);
	BError	getStatus(BList<Tms::NameValue>& l);		///< Get Status
	BError	getStatistics(BList<Tms::NameValue>& l);	///< Get Statistics
	BError	setSimulation(Tms::Simulation simulation);
	BError	getSimulation(Tms::Simulation& simulation);

	BError	setControlInfo(Tms::CycleParam	params);	///< Setup Cycle parameters
	BError  getControlInfo(BString cycleType, BUInt32 ring, BUInt32 puChannel, Tms::CycleParam& params);	///< Gets the control information for the cycle type and puChannel number given. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error
	BError  delControlInfo(BString cycleType, BUInt32 ring, BUInt32 puChannel);	///< Deletes the control information for the cycle type and puChannel number given. The call will return an error object indicating success or an error

	BError	getPuChannel (BUInt32 puChannel, Tms::PuChannel &puPhysChannel);		///< Get a handle for vitrual channel
	BError	getCycleInfo(BUInt32& cycleNumber,BString& cycleType);			
	BError	setNextCycle(BUInt32 cycleNumber,BString cycleType);

	BError	setTestData(Tms::PuChannel puChannel, BInt32 on, BArray<BUInt32> data);					///< Set pupe test data
	BError	getTestData(Tms::PuChannel puPhysChannel, Tms::TestCaptureInfo captureInfo, BArray< BUInt64 > &data); 	///< Fetch pupe test data

	BError	initialiseServer();	
	BError	setPupeConfig(Tms::PuChannel puChannel,Tms::PupeConfig pupeConfig);
	BError	getPupeConfig(Tms::PuChannel puChannel,Tms::PupeConfig& pupeConfig);
	BError getControlList(BList<Tms::CycleParamItem>& itemList);		///< Gets the list of Cycle Parameters present in the system

	void 	newConnection();				///< Signals a new connection made

	BString			ohostName;
	Tms::TmsControl		otmsControl;
	Tms::TmsProcess		otmsProcess;
