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# TmsPuServer.conf Configuration file for TmsPuServer
# T.Barnaby, BEAM Ltd, 2007-02-13
# TmsServer: - The host name or IP Address of the BOAP name server host
# Rings: - The number of rings serviced
# ModuleControllerNumber - The Module controller number
# SimulateFpga - Simulate FPGA
# SimulateTiming - Simulate Timing signals in software. Bit mask (0xFF all timing signals)
# Watchdog: - Set watchdog timer to the given number of seconds (0 is off)
# FpgaFirmwareFile - The path to the FPGA bit file to use
# FpgaLclk - The FPGA local bus clock rate
# FpgaMclk - The FPGA main clock rate
# PupeNumber - Defines the number of PUPE boards
# PupeMaster - Defines the pupe board that has the master timing inputs
# PupePhysicalOn - Use physical slot locations
# PupePhysicalDevices - The list of PCI device numbers
#TmsServer: tmssc.tmsnet
#TmsServer: beam
TmsServer: localhost
Rings: 1
ModuleControllerNumber: 1
#SimulateFpga: 0
SimulateFpga: 1
#SimulateTiming: 0x00
SimulateTiming: 0x7f
Watchdog: 0
FpgaFirmwareFile: /usr/tms/fpga/tms-fpga.bit
FpgaLclk: 50
FpgaMclk: 125
TempInternalMax: 50
TempFpgaMax: 90
PupeNumber: 1
PupeMaster: 1
PupePhysicalOn: 1
PupePhysicalDevices: 14