- tms-old
- tms
- tmsControlGui
- diag
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diagnostics(31 downto 0) <= dds_freq;
diagnostics(47 downto 32) <= GATE_pulse & BLR_pulse & sigma;
diagnostics(55 downto 48) <= sel_filter & rf_select2 & rf_select1 & frev_in & phase_table_data(7 downto 6) & LO_pulse2 & LO_pulse1;
diagnostics(63 downto 56) <= "00" & pll_msb & phase_table_msb & switch_state;
diagnostics(127) <= LO_pulse1;
diagnostics(126) <= frev_in;
diagnostics(125 downto 112) <= mult_out1;
diagnostics(111) <= LO_pulse2;
diagnostics(110 downto 102) <= sigma(13 downto 5);
diagnostics(101 downto 88) <= mult_out2;
diagnostics(87 downto 64) <= f_error(23 downto 0);
diagnostics(191) <= LO_pulse1;
diagnostics(190) <= frev_in;
diagnostics(189) <= LO_pulse2;
diagnostics(188 downto 184) <= Sigma(13 downto 9);
diagnostics(183) <= GATE_pulse;
diagnostics(182 downto 160) <= b0(22 downto 0);
diagnostics(159 downto 128) <= SXT(result0_tmp,32);
diagnostics(207 downto 192) <= x0(15 downto 0);
diagnostics(223 downto 208) <= e0(15 downto 0);
diagnostics(239 downto 224) <= y0(15 downto 0);
diagnostics(253 downto 240) <= sigma;
diagnostics(254) <= GATE_pulse;
diagnostics(255) <= BLR_pulse;