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* TmsCycleParam.h TMS Client library functions
* T.Barnaby, BEAM Ltd, 2007-06-19
#ifndef TmsCycleParam_H
#define TmsCycleParam_H 1
#include <TmsLib.h>
namespace Tms {
class CycleParamState {
void clear(); ///< Clear the entry
void setNext(int nextNum, BUInt32 nextPeriod, bool f1RefSigma, bool f1LoMsb, bool f2RefSigma, bool f2LoMsb, bool pllF2, bool acquire);
BString getString(); ///< Returns the CycleParamState in string form
BError setString(BString str); ///< Sets the CycleParamState from a string
BUInt32 num; ///< The state number
BUInt32 period; ///< The cycle period
TmsState state; ///< The TMS State
BUInt32 bunchMask; ///< The set of bunches to capture bit mask
BUInt32 mean1Mask; ///< The set of bunches to pass through meanFilter1
BUInt32 mean2Mask; ///< The set of bunches to pass through meanFilter2
BUInt32 lo1Harmonic; ///< The LO harmonic number used in this state
double lo1Phase; ///< The phase offset of the LO as a fraction of FREF (+-1.0)
BUInt32 lo2Harmonic; ///< The LO harmonic number used in this state
double lo2Phase; ///< The phase offset of the LO as a fraction of FREF (+-1.0)
double gateWidth; ///< The gate pulse width as a fraction of LO (0 - 1.0)
double gatePhase; ///< The gate phase offset as a fraction of LO (0 - 1.0)
double blrWidth; ///< The gate pulse width as a fraction of LO (0 - 1.0)
double blrPhase; ///< The gate phase offset as a fraction of LO (0 - 1.0)
/// Cycle Parameter management class
class CycleParamEdit : public CycleParam {
CycleParamEdit(const CycleParam& param);
void clear();
BString getString(); ///< Gets the Cycle Parameters in a string format for writing to a file or display
BError setString(BString str); ///< Sets the Cycle Parameters from a string. For reading from a file
BError readFromFile(BString fileName); ///< Reads the Cycle Parameters from a file
BError writeToFile(BString fileName); ///< Writes the Cycle Parameters to a file
BError setStates(BList<CycleParamState> cycleStates); ///< Sets the Cycle Parameter states given the state information list.
BError getStates(BList<CycleParamState>& cycleStates); ///< Returns the state information list describing the Cycle Parameter states. These may not be present.
static void getDefaultState(CycleParamState& state); ///< Get the default settings for a state.
static void getdefaultPickupPositions(BArray<BInt32>& pos); ///< Get the default pickup positions.
double value(int numSamples, int harmonic, double phase, int sample);
int bunch(int numSamples, int harmonic, double phase, int sample);
BError generateState(CycleParamState stateParam);