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Summary:	BEAM and Alpha Data TMS System
Name:		tms
Version:	2.1.0
Release:	1.beam.el7
Epoch:		1
License:	GPL
Group:		Applications
Source0:	tms.tar.gz
BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
Requires:	glibc(x86-32) libgcc(x86-32) libstdc++(x86-32) nss-softokn-freebl(x86-32) pciutils-libs(x86-32)
#BuildRequires:	da8150 fftw-devel pciutils-devel qt3-devel
BuildRequires:	fftw-devel pciutils-devel qt3-devel

The BEAM TMS System implements the trajectory measurement system for the
CERN Proton Synchrotron.

%files -n tms

%package -n tms-clients
Summary:	The TMS client applications
Group:		Applications
Requires:	tms fftw qt3

%description -n tms-clients
The BEAM and Alpha Data TMS System implements the trajectory measurement system for the
CERN Proton Synchrotron. The TMS client applications are for test and control of the TMS system.

%files -n tms-clients

%package -n tms-server
Summary:	The TMS server applications
Group:		Applications
Requires:	tms tms-clients tms-fpga dhcp tftp-server telnet

%description -n tms-server
The BEAM and Alpha Data TMS System implements the trajectory measurement system for the
CERN Proton Synchrotron. The TMS server applications are the main operational system.

%files -n tms-server
%attr(0755,root,root) /usr/tms/config/tmsInit
%attr(0755,root,root) /usr/tms/config/tmsSetup
%attr(0755,root,root) /usr/tms/config/tmsSetupModuleController
%config /etc/tmsPuServer.conf
%config /etc/tmsServer1.conf
%config /etc/tmsWeb.conf

%post -n tms-server
systemctl daemon-reload

%package -n tms-devel
Summary:	The TMS development and examples
Group:		Applications
Requires:	tms

%description -n tms-devel
The BEAM and Alpha Data TMS System implements the trajectory measurement system for the
CERN Proton Synchrotron. The TMS devl packge provides development libraries and examples for the TMS system.

%files -n tms-devel

%setup -q -n tms

make DEST_DIR=%{buildroot} PREFIX=/usr/tms all

make DEST_DIR=%{buildroot} PREFIX=/usr/tms install


* Thu Feb 22 2007 BEAM Ltd
- Initial RPM release.