#!/bin/sh ############################################################################ # ############################################################################ # plotFile(){ n=8 cmd=" set multiplot; set format x \"\"; set lmargin 8; set bmargin 0; set tmargin 1; set grid noytics xtics;" for ((i=0; i < n; i++)); do p=`expr $i + 1` o=`expr \( $n - $i \) * 1` echo "$p $o" cmd="$cmd set origin 0,0.8; set size 1,0.1; plot '$1' using $p with lines;" done cmd="$cmd set origin 0,0.8; set size 1,0.2; plot '$1' using 1 with lines; set origin 0,0.6; set size 1,0.2; set format x \"%g\"; plot '$1' using 5 with lines; " cmd="$cmd unset multiplot; pause -1; pause 10; " echo ${cmd} echo $cmd | gnuplot - sleep 6 } plotFile $1