%description -n tms-gui
The BEAM and Alpha Data TMS System implements the trajectory measurement system for the
CERN Proton Synchrotron. The TMS GUI applications are GUI test and control
applications for the TMS system.
%setup -q -n tms
make DEST_DIR=%{buildroot} PREFIX=/usr/tms all
make DEST_DIR=%{buildroot} PREFIX=/usr/tms install
# Update tmsPuServer.conf configuration files
#for ((n=1; n <= 4; n++ )); do
# if [ -x /usr/tms/rootfs-$n ]; then
# d="/usr/tms/rootfs-$n";
# mv $d/etc/tmsPuServer.conf $d/etc/tmsPuServer.conf.bak
# sed -e "s/^ModuleControllerNumber:.*$/ModuleControllerNumber:\t\t${n}/" /etc/tmsPuServer.conf > $d/etc/tmsPuServer.conf
# fi
%attr(0755,root,root) /usr/tms/config/tmsSetup
%attr(0755,root,root) /usr/tms/config/tmsSetupModuleController
%config /etc/tmsPuServer.conf