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/******************************************************************************* * Boap.h Boap RPC protocol * T.Barnaby, BEAM Ltd, 8/5/03
* Copyright (c) 2012 All Right Reserved, Beam Ltd,
******************************************************************************* */ #ifndef Boap_HH #define Boap_HH #include <stdint.h>
#include <BTypes.h>
#include <BPoll.h> #include <BSocket.h> #include <BThread.h> #include <BError.h>
#include <BEvent1.h>
#include <BMutex.h>
#include <BTimeStamp.h> #include <BBuffer.h>
// Main BOAP Types
const BUInt32 BoapMagic = 0x424F4100; enum BoapType { BoapTypeRpc, BoapTypeRpcReply, BoapTypeSignal, BoapTypeRpcError }; typedef BUInt32 BoapService;
enum BoapPriority { BoapPriorityLow, BoapPriorityNormal, BoapPriorityHigh }; // Boap packet header struct BoapPacketHead {
BUInt32 type; BUInt32 length; BUInt32 service; BUInt32 cmd;
}; // Boap packet
class BoapPacket : public BBufferStore {
public: BoapPacket(); ~BoapPacket();
BUInt32 getCmd();
int peekHead(BoapPacketHead& head);
int pushHead(BoapPacketHead& head); int popHead(BoapPacketHead& head);
void updateHead();
}; /******************************************************************************* * Main Client communications classes ******************************************************************************* */ /******************************************************************************* * Base for all Client Objects ******************************************************************************* */ class BoapClientObject : public BSocket { public: BoapClientObject(BString name = "");
virtual ~BoapClientObject();
BError connectService(BString name); ///< Connects to the named service BError disconnectService(); ///< Disconnects from the named service BString getServiceName(); ///< Get the name of the service BError ping(BUInt32& apiVersion); ///< Pings the connection and finds the remotes version number BError setConnectionPriority(BoapPriority priority); ///< Sets the connection priority void setMaxLength(BUInt32 maxLength); ///< Sets the maximum packet length void setTimeout(int timeout); ///< Sets the timeout in micro seconds. -1 is wait indefinitely
protected: BError pingLocked(BUInt32& apiVersion); BError checkApiVersion(); BError performCall(BoapPacket& tx, BoapPacket& rx); ///< Performs a RPC call to the named service BError performSend(BoapPacket& tx); ///< Performs a send to the named service BError performRecv(BoapPacket& rx); ///< Performs a receive
virtual BError handleReconnect(BError err); ///< Handle a reconnect performing autorisaztion if required
BString oname; BUInt32 oapiVersion; BoapPriority opriority; BoapService oservice; int oconnected; BUInt32 omaxLength; BoapPacket otx; BoapPacket orx; BMutex olock; int otimeout;
int oreconnect; ///< Handle an automatic reconnect on timeout
}; class BoapSignalObject : public BSocket { public: BoapSignalObject(); protected: BError performSend(BoapPacket& tx); // Performs a send to the named service BoapPacket otx; BoapPacket orx; }; /******************************************************************************* * Main Server communications class ******************************************************************************* */ class BoapServiceObject; class BoapServiceEntry { public: BoapServiceEntry(BoapService service = 0, BoapServiceObject* object = 0){ oservice = service; oobject = object; } BoapService oservice; BoapServiceObject* oobject; }; class BoapServer; class BoapServerConnection : public BThread { public: BoapServerConnection(BoapServer& boapServer, int fd);
virtual ~BoapServerConnection(); virtual BError init(); ///< Initialise connection virtual BError process(); virtual BSocket& getSocket(); virtual void setMaxLength(BUInt32 maxLength); virtual BError getHead(BoapPacketHead& head);
virtual BError validate(); ///< Validate the connection
private: void* function(); BoapServer& oboapServer; BSocket osocket; BoapPacket orx; BoapPacket otx; BUInt32 omaxLength; }; namespace Boapns { class Boapns; } class BoapServer : public BThread { public: enum { NOTHREADS=0, THREADED=1 };
BoapServer(); virtual ~BoapServer(); virtual BError init(BString boapNsHost = "", int port = 0, int threaded = 0, int isBoapns = 0); virtual BError run(int inThread = 0); virtual BError process(BoapServerConnection* conn, BoapPacket& rx, BoapPacket& tx); virtual BError processEvent(BoapPacket& rx);
// Support routines
virtual BError addObject(BoapServiceObject* object); virtual BError sendEvent(BoapPacket& tx); virtual BError processEvent(int fd); virtual void clientGone(BoapServerConnection* client); BSocket& getSocket(); BSocket& getEventSocket(); BString getHostName(); int getConnectionsNumber(); // Override functions virtual BoapServerConnection* newConnection(int fd, BSocketAddressINET address);
private: void* function(); int othreaded; int oisBoapns; Boapns::Boapns* oboapns; BList<BoapServerConnection*> oclients;
BEvent1Int oclientGoneEvent;
BList<BoapServiceEntry> oservices; BPoll opoll; BSocket onet; BSocket onetEvent; BSocketAddressINET onetEventAddress; BString ohostName;
public: BUInt64 onumOperations;
}; /******************************************************************************* * Base for all Server Objects ******************************************************************************* */ class BoapServiceObject; typedef BError (BoapServiceObject::*BoapFunc)(BoapServerConnection* conn, BoapPacket& rx, BoapPacket& tx); class BoapFuncEntry { public: BoapFuncEntry(int cmd, BoapFunc func);
BUInt32 ocmd;
BoapFunc ofunc; }; class BoapServiceObject { public: BoapServiceObject(BoapServer& server, BString name = ""); virtual ~BoapServiceObject(); BError setName(BString name);
BError sendEvent(BString signalName, BInt32 arg); virtual BError processEvent(BString objectName, BString name, BInt32 arg);
BString name(); BError doPing(BoapServerConnection* conn, BoapPacket& rx, BoapPacket& tx); BError doConnectionPriority(BoapServerConnection* conn, BoapPacket& rx, BoapPacket& tx); BError process(BoapServerConnection* conn, BoapPacket& rx, BoapPacket& tx); virtual BError processEvent(BoapPacket& rx); protected: BError sendEvent(BoapPacket& tx); BoapServer& oserver; BString oname; BUInt32 oapiVersion; BList<BoapFuncEntry> ofuncList; }; #endif