* BTimer.h Quantel Quentin BTimers
* T.Barnaby, BEAM Ltd, 3/2/04
#ifndef BTIMER_H
#define BTIMER_H
#include <BMutex.h>
/// Stopwatch style timer
class BTimer {
void start(); ///< Start timer
void stop(); ///< Stop timer
void clear(); ///< Clear timer
double getElapsedTime(); ///< Returns the elapsed time from the last start
// Overall operations
void add(BTimer& timer); ///< Add two timers
// Statistics
double average(); ///< Average time is duration between start() and stop() / number of stops
double peak(); ///< Peak time
static double getTime();
BMutex olock;
unsigned int onum;
double ostartTime;
double oendTime;
double oaverage;
double opeak;