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/* * Title: PupeDiagnosticsWin.h * Author: M.Thomas BEAM Ltd * Date: 2007-02-13 * * Contents: Pupe Diagnostics window * * Mod Rec: * * Added state dependent trigger controls - 2011-07-20 Jeroen Belleman (JMB) */ #ifndef PUPEDIAGNOSTICSWIN_H #define PUPEDIAGNOSTICSWIN_H #include <BString.h> #include <Control.h> #include <TmsLib.h> #include <CurveInfo.h> #include <BQComboBox.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <BGraph.h> #include <BGraphControls.h> #include <BFile.h> typedef struct { char* name; int startBit; int nBits; bool isSigned; double gain; } PupeDiagBitDefinition; /*! Configure System and setup user interface window. * */ class PupeDiagnosticsWin : public QHBox { Q_OBJECT public: PupeDiagnosticsWin(QWidget* w,Control& c); ~PupeDiagnosticsWin(); public slots: void show(); ///< Update and make the widget visible private slots: void refresh(); void saveFile(); void statebuttonupdate(); //JMB private: void setXAxisLabel(); void setGraphHeights(int numGraphs); void setPlotData(); void updateGraphs(PupeDiagBitDefinition defs[]); bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e ); void warningDialog(BString title, BError err); void writeFile(PupeDiagBitDefinition defs[]); BArray<float> extractBitLinear(PupeDiagBitDefinition def); void doFft(); Control& ocontrol; BArray< UInt64 > odata; BList<BGraph*> oplots; QSpinBox* ochannel; BQComboBox* osource; BQComboBox* oclock; QCheckBox* otriggerSourceData; QCheckBox* otriggerAnd; QCheckBox* otriggerStore; QCheckBox* okst; QLineEdit* ostartTime; QLineEdit* opostTriggerDelay; QLineEdit* otriggerMask; QCheckBox* oClock; QCheckBox* oCycleStart; QCheckBox* oCycleStop; QCheckBox* oCalStart; QCheckBox* oCalStop; QCheckBox* oInjection; QCheckBox* oHChange; QCheckBox* oFref; QCheckBox* oState; // JMB QSpinBox* oStateV; // JMB QPushButton* orefreshButton; QPushButton* osaveButton; BGraphControlBasic* ographControls; BFile ofile; }; #endif