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/* * Title: ControlDataWin.cpp * Author: M.Thomas BEAM Ltd * Date: 2007-02-13 * * Contents: Control of data requests. Test code. * * Mod Rec: * */ #include <BFile.h> #include <ControlDataWin.h> #include <TmsD.h> #include <qvalidator.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <Debug.h> #include <BGraph.h> #include <BGraphControls.h> #include <math.h> #include <Globals.h> #include <qfiledialog.h> using namespace Tms; using namespace std; static ComboDefinition cycleDef[] = { { 0, "CyclePeriodAll", CyclePeriodAll, 0 }, { 1, "CyclePeriodCalibration", CyclePeriodCalibration, 0 }, { 2, "CyclePeriodEvent0", CyclePeriodEvent0, 1 }, { 3, "CyclePeriodEvent1", CyclePeriodEvent1, 0 }, { 4, "CyclePeriodEvent2", CyclePeriodEvent2, 0 }, { 5, "CyclePeriodEvent3", CyclePeriodEvent3, 0 }, { 6, "CyclePeriodEvent4", CyclePeriodEvent4, 0 }, { 7, "CyclePeriodEvent5", CyclePeriodEvent5, 0 }, { 8, "CyclePeriodEvent6", CyclePeriodEvent6, 0 }, { 9, "CyclePeriodEvent7", CyclePeriodEvent7, 0 }, { 10, "CyclePeriodEvent8", CyclePeriodEvent8, 0 }, { 11, "CyclePeriodEvent9", CyclePeriodEvent9, 0 }, { 0,0,0,0 } }; static ComboDefinition functionDef[] = { { 0, "DataFunctionRaw", DataFunctionRaw, 1 }, { 1, "DataFunctionMean", DataFunctionMean, 0 }, { 2, "DataFunctionMeanAll", DataFunctionMeanAll, 0 }, { 3, "DataFunctionMean0", DataFunctionMean0, 0 }, { 4, "DataFunctionMean1", DataFunctionMean1, 0 }, { 0,0,0,0 } }; static ComboDefinition bunchDef[] = { { 0, "All Bunches", 0, 1 }, { 1, "Bunch 1", 1, 0 }, { 2, "Bunch 2", 2, 0 }, { 3, "Bunch 3", 3, 0 }, { 4, "Bunch 4", 4, 0 }, { 5, "Bunch 5", 5, 0 }, { 6, "Bunch 6", 6, 0 }, { 7, "Bunch 7", 7, 0 }, { 8, "Bunch 8", 8, 0 }, { 9, "Bunch 9", 9, 0 }, { 10, "Bunch 10", 10, 0 }, { 11, "Bunch 11", 11, 0 }, { 12, "Bunch 12", 12, 0 }, { 13, "Bunch 13", 13, 0 }, { 14, "Bunch 14", 14, 0 }, { 15, "Bunch 15", 15, 0 }, { 16, "Bunch 16", 16, 0 }, { 17, "Bunch 17", 17, 0 }, { 18, "Bunch 18", 18, 0 }, { 19, "Bunch 19", 19, 0 }, { 20, "Bunch 20", 20, 0 }, { 21, "Bunch 21", 21, 0 }, { 22, "Bunch 22", 22, 0 }, { 23, "Bunch 23", 23, 0 }, { 24, "Bunch 24", 24, 0 }, { 25, "Bunch 25", 25, 0 }, { 26, "Bunch 26", 26, 0 }, { 27, "Bunch 27", 27, 0 }, { 28, "Bunch 28", 28, 0 }, { 29, "Bunch 29", 29, 0 }, { 30, "Bunch 30", 30, 0 }, { 31, "Bunch 31", 31, 0 }, { 0,0,0,0 } }; ControlDataWin::ControlDataWin(QWidget* w,Control& c) : ocontrol(c) { int row = 0; int col = 0; int width = 170; QVBox* mv = new QVBox(this); oplotSigma = new BGraph(mv); oplotDeltaX = new BGraph(mv); oplotDeltaY = new BGraph(mv); ographControls = new BGraphControlBasic(mv); QWidget* t = new QWidget(mv); QGridLayout* v = new QGridLayout(t); ographControls->addGraph(oplotSigma); ographControls->addGraph(oplotDeltaX); ographControls->addGraph(oplotDeltaY); oticker = new QTimer(this); QValidator* validator = new QIntValidator(0, (int)pow(2,31), this ); ocurrentCycle = new QLabel("",t); ocurrentCycle->setFixedWidth(width); ocyclePeriod = new BQComboBox(cycleDef,t,""); ofunction = new BQComboBox(functionDef,t,""); obunchNumber = new BQComboBox(bunchDef,t,""); ocycleNumber = new QLineEdit(t,"");ocycleNumber->setValidator(validator); oautoCycleNumber = new QCheckBox(t,""); ostartTime = new QLineEdit(t,"");ostartTime->setValidator( validator ); oorbitNumber = new QLineEdit(t,"");oorbitNumber->setValidator( validator ); oargument = new QLineEdit(t,"");oargument->setValidator( validator ); olimitData = new QCheckBox(t,""); onumValues = new QLineEdit(t,"");onumValues->setValidator( validator ); oallChannels = new QCheckBox(t,""); ochannel = new QSpinBox(1,60,1,t,""); ochannel->setWrapping(true); onumValues->setText("2048"); oautoCycleNumber->setChecked(true); olimitData->setChecked(true); ostartTime->setText("0"); oorbitNumber->setText("0"); oargument->setText("0"); oautoCycleNumber->setMaximumWidth(width); ocycleNumber->setMaximumWidth(width); oallChannels->setMaximumWidth(width); ochannel->setMaximumWidth(width); ocyclePeriod->setMaximumWidth(width); ostartTime->setMaximumWidth(width); oorbitNumber->setMaximumWidth(width); oargument->setMaximumWidth(width); olimitData->setMaximumWidth(width); onumValues->setMaximumWidth(width); obunchNumber->setMaximumWidth(width); ofunction->setMaximumWidth(width); col = 0;row = 0; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Auto Cycle Num",t,""),row,col); v->addWidget(oautoCycleNumber,row,col+1);row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Cycle Number",t,""),row,col); v->addMultiCellWidget(ocycleNumber,row,row,col+1,col+2); row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("All Channels",t,""),row,col); v->addMultiCellWidget(oallChannels,row,row,col+1,col+2); row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Channel",t,""),row,col); v->addMultiCellWidget(ochannel,row,row,col+1,col+2); row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Cycle Period",t,""),row,col); v->addMultiCellWidget(ocyclePeriod,row,row,col+1,col+2); row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Start Time",t,""),row,col); v->addMultiCellWidget(ostartTime,row,row,col+1,col+2); row++; col = 3;row = 0; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Orbit Number",t,""),row,col); v->addMultiCellWidget(oorbitNumber,row,row,col+1,col+2);row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Limit Data",t,""),row,col); v->addWidget(olimitData,row,col+1); row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Num Values",t,""),row,col); v->addWidget(onumValues,row,col+1); row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Bunch Number",t,""),row,col); v->addWidget(obunchNumber,row,col+1); row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Function",t,""),row,col); v->addWidget(ofunction,row,col+1); row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Argument",t,""),row,col); v->addWidget(oargument,row,col+1); row++; col = 5;row = 0; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Current Cycle",t,""),row,col); v->addWidget(ocurrentCycle,row,col+1); v->setSpacing(5); QHBox* h = new QHBox(mv); QPushButton* refreshData = new QPushButton("Fetch Data",h,"refresh"); QPushButton* saveFile = new QPushButton("Save To File",h,"save"); h->setMargin(4); refreshData->setMaximumWidth(200); saveFile->setMaximumWidth(200); oplotSigma->setMinimumHeight(180); oplotDeltaX->setMinimumHeight(180); oplotDeltaY->setMinimumHeight(200); oplotSigma->installEventFilter(this); oplotDeltaX->installEventFilter(this); oplotDeltaY->installEventFilter(this); oplotDeltaY->setXLabel("Sample"); connect(refreshData,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(refresh())); connect(saveFile,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(saveFile())); connect(oautoCycleNumber, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateAutoCycle())); connect(oallChannels, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateAllChannels())); connect(oticker, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateStatus())); } ControlDataWin::~ControlDataWin() {} void ControlDataWin::show() { updateAutoCycle(); updateAllChannels(); QWidget::show(); oticker->start( 1000, FALSE ); } void ControlDataWin::hide() { oticker->stop(); QWidget::hide(); } void ControlDataWin::refresh() { BError err; QString s; UInt32 cycleNumber; BString cycleType; UInt32 c; Tms::ConfigInfo info; if (oautoCycleNumber->isChecked()) { BString s; if(err = ocontrol.getCycleInfo(cycleNumber,cycleType)){ warningDialog("Reading Data", err); return; } odataInfo.cycleNumber = cycleNumber; s.printf("%d",odataInfo.cycleNumber); ocycleNumber->setText(s.retStr()); } else { odataInfo.cycleNumber = ocycleNumber->text().toUInt(); } if (odataInfo.numValues != onumValues->text().toUInt()) { oplotSigma->setXRange(0,0); oplotDeltaX->setXRange(0,0); oplotDeltaY->setXRange(0,0); } if(oallChannels->isChecked()){ BUInt32 s; BUInt32 n; Data data; // Collect data = 0; odataInfo.startTime = ostartTime->text().toUInt(); odataInfo.orbitNumber = oorbitNumber->text().toUInt(); odataInfo.argument = oargument->text().toUInt(); odataInfo.numValues = onumValues->text().toUInt(); odataInfo.limitData = olimitData->isChecked(); odataInfo.bunchNumber = (int)obunchNumber->getValue(); odataInfo.cyclePeriod = (int)ocyclePeriod->getValue(); odataInfo.function = (int)ofunction->getValue(); if(err = ocontrol.getData(odataInfo, data)){ warningDialog("Reading Data",err); return; } // printf("Got: NumValues: %d NumBunches: %d NumChannels: %d\n", data.numValues, data.numBunches, data.numChannels); if(data.numBunches == 0){ data.numBunches = 1; } if(data.numChannels == 0){ warningDialog("Error number of channels was 0", err); return; } // Merge data into bunch, then channel, then sample form odata = data; memset(, 0, odata.dataValues.size() * sizeof(DataValue)); n = data.numValues / (data.numBunches * data.numChannels); for(s = 0; s < n; s++){ for(c = 0; c < data.numChannels; c++){ memcpy(&odata.dataValues[s * data.numBunches * data.numChannels + c * data.numBunches], &data.dataValues[s * odata.numBunches + c * data.numBunches * n], data.numBunches * sizeof(DataValue)); } } } else { = ochannel->text().toUInt(); odataInfo.startTime = ostartTime->text().toUInt(); odataInfo.orbitNumber = oorbitNumber->text().toUInt(); odataInfo.argument = oargument->text().toUInt(); odataInfo.numValues = onumValues->text().toUInt(); odataInfo.limitData = olimitData->isChecked(); odataInfo.bunchNumber = (int)obunchNumber->getValue(); odataInfo.cyclePeriod = (int)ocyclePeriod->getValue(); odataInfo.function = (int)ofunction->getValue(); if (gdebug & DBG_STD) printDataInfo(); if (err = ocontrol.getData(odataInfo,odata)) { warningDialog("Reading Data",err); return; } } setPlotData(); plot(); } void ControlDataWin::setPlotData() { unsigned int n = 0; osigma.resize(odata.numValues); odeltaX.resize(odata.numValues); odeltaY.resize(odata.numValues); for (n = 0;n < odata.numValues;n++) { osigma[n] = odata.dataValues[n].sigma; odeltaX[n] = odata.dataValues[n].deltaX; odeltaY[n] = odata.dataValues[n].deltaY; } oplotSigma->setData(osigma); oplotDeltaX->setData(odeltaX); oplotDeltaY->setData(odeltaY); oplotSigma->setYLabel("Sigma"); oplotDeltaX->setYLabel("Delta X"); oplotDeltaY->setYLabel("Delta Y"); oplotSigma->setGrid(16,2); oplotDeltaX->setGrid(16,2); oplotDeltaY->setGrid(16,2); ographControls->setMax(odata.numValues); } void ControlDataWin::plot() { } void ControlDataWin::warningDialog(BString title, BError err){ BString m; m = BString("<h5>") + title + "</h5><p>" + err.getString() + "</p>"; QMessageBox::warning(this, "Warning", m.retStr()); } void ControlDataWin::saveFile() { unsigned int n; BFile f; BString fname = "data.txt"; QFileDialog saveDialog( ".", "Pupe Data Dump File (*.txt)", this, "save file dialog", "Choose a file" ); saveDialog.setMode(QFileDialog::QFileDialog::AnyFile); saveDialog.setSelection(fname.retStr()); switch (n = saveDialog.exec()) { case 0: return; //Cancel Button break; case 1: break; //Save Button default: printf("Unknown Button (%d)\n",n); } if ((fname = saveDialog.selectedFile().ascii()) == "") return; if (,"w+")) { printf("Cannot open save file (%s)\n",fname.retStr()); return; } f.printf("sigma deltaX deltaY\n"); for (n = 0;n < odata.dataValues.size();n++) { f.printf("%d %d %d\n", odata.dataValues[n].sigma, odata.dataValues[n].deltaX, odata.dataValues[n].deltaY); } f.close(); BString msg; msg = BString("File Saved (") + fname + ")"; gstatusbar->message(msg.retStr(),2000); } void ControlDataWin::updateAutoCycle() { if (oautoCycleNumber->isChecked()) ocycleNumber->setEnabled(false); else ocycleNumber->setEnabled(true); updateStatus(); } void ControlDataWin::updateAllChannels() { if (oallChannels->isChecked()) ochannel->setEnabled(false); else ochannel->setEnabled(true); updateStatus(); } void ControlDataWin::updateStatus() { BError err; UInt32 cycleNumber; BString cycleType; BString s; if(err = ocontrol.getCycleInfo(cycleNumber,cycleType)) return; s.printf("%d %s",cycleNumber,cycleType.retStr()); ocurrentCycle->setText(s.retStr()); } void ControlDataWin::printDataInfo() { printf("Channel Number\t(%d)\n",; printf("Cycle Number\t(%d)\n",odataInfo.cycleNumber); printf("Period\t\t(%d)\n",odataInfo.cyclePeriod); printf("Start Time\t(%d)\n",odataInfo.startTime); printf("Orbit Number\t(%d)\n",odataInfo.orbitNumber); printf("Bunch Number\t(%d)\n",odataInfo.bunchNumber); printf("Function\t(%d)\n",odataInfo.function); printf("Argument\t(%d)\n",odataInfo.argument); printf("Num Values\t(%d)\n",odataInfo.numValues); } bool ControlDataWin::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { if ( e->type() == QEvent::Wheel ) { QWheelEvent* we = (QWheelEvent*)e; int delta = (we->delta() > 0) ? -1 : 1; ographControls->scroll(delta); return TRUE; } else { // standard event processing return FALSE; } }