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/* * Title: tmsControlMainGui.cpp * Author: M.Thomas BEAM Ltd * Date: 2007-02-13 * * Contents: Primary interface for Cern TMS system test/debug Gui * * Mod Rec: * */ #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qinputdialog.h> #include <qimage.h> #include <tmsControlMainWin.h> #include <Globals.h> #include <unistd.h> TmsControlMainWin::TmsControlMainWin(Control& control) : ocontrol(control) { } TmsControlMainWin::~TmsControlMainWin(){ } void TmsControlMainWin::initMenubar(){ QPopupMenu* m; QAction* a; m = new QPopupMenu(); a = addAction(m, tr("New Connection"), tr("&New Connection"), tr("Ctrl+N"), SLOT(slotNewConnection()), tr("Starts a new job")); a = addAction(m, tr("Quit"), tr("&Quit"), tr("Ctrl+Q"), SLOT(slotQuit()), tr("Quits the application")); menuBar()->insertItem(tr("&File"), m); m = new QPopupMenu(); a = addAction(m, tr("Prefferences"), tr("&Prefferences"), tr("Ctrl+P"), SLOT(slotPrefferences()), tr("Setup prefferences")); menuBar()->insertItem(tr("&Options"), m); menuBar( )->insertSeparator(-1); m = new QPopupMenu(); // a = addAction(m, tr("Whats This"), tr("&Whats This"), tr("Ctrl+W"), SLOT(slotEnterWhatsThis()), tr("Enter Whats This mode")); a = addAction(m, tr("Manual"), tr("&Manual"), tr("Ctrl+M"), SLOT(slotManual()), tr("Online Manual")); a = addAction(m, tr("TMS Manual"), tr("&TMS Manual"), tr("Ctrl+T"), SLOT(slotTmsManual()), tr("TMS System Manual")); a = addAction(m, tr("About"), tr("&About"), tr("Ctrl+A"), SLOT(slotAbout()), tr("About the program")); menuBar()->insertItem(tr("&Help"), m); // setMinimumSize(QSize(1024,850)); } void TmsControlMainWin::initMain(){ BError err; QFont f; BString host; if (ghostName.len() > 0) { host = ghostName; } else { host = gconfig.findValue("DefaultServer:"); } if (host.len() > 0) ocontrol.setHost(host); if (err = ocontrol.init()) { // System defaults to localhost BString msg = BString("Attempting to connect to (") + host + ")"; warningDialog("Connecting to Server",err,msg); } otabd = new QTabWidget(this); oconfigureWin = new ConfigureWin(this,ocontrol); ocontrolDataWin = new ControlDataWin(this,ocontrol); opupeDiagnosticsWin = new PupeDiagnosticsWin(this,ocontrol); opupeSimulateWin = new PupeSimulateWin(this,ocontrol); otestWin = new TestWin(this,ocontrol); ostatisticsWin = new StatisticsWin(this,ocontrol); ostatusWin = new StatusWin(this,ocontrol); ooptionsWin = new OptionsWin(this,ocontrol); ophaseTableWin = new PhaseTableWin(this,ocontrol); setCentralWidget(otabd); otabd->setName("Tab Widget"); otabd->setMinimumSize(1000,860); otabd->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::Bottom); otabd->addTab(oconfigureWin,"Configure System"); otabd->addTab(ocontrolDataWin,"Control/Data View"); otabd->addTab(opupeDiagnosticsWin,"Pupe Diagnostics"); otabd->addTab(opupeSimulateWin,"Pupe Simulation"); otabd->addTab(ophaseTableWin,"Cycle Params"); otabd->addTab(otestWin,"Server SelfTest"); otabd->addTab(ostatusWin,"Status"); otabd->addTab(ostatisticsWin,"Statistics"); otabd->show(); oconfigureWin->show(); f = qApp->font(); f.setPointSize(10); qApp->setFont(f,true); gstatusbar = statusBar(); } void TmsControlMainWin::slotQuit() { exit(0); } void TmsControlMainWin::initToolbar() { } void TmsControlMainWin::slotPrefferences() { ooptionsWin->show(); } void TmsControlMainWin::slotEnterWhatsThis() { whatsThis(); } void TmsControlMainWin::warningDialog(BString title,BError err,BString msg){ BString m; m = BString("<h5>") + title + "</h5><p>" + msg + "<br>" + err.getString() + "</p>"; QMessageBox::warning(this, "tmsControlGui - Warning", m.retStr()); } void TmsControlMainWin::slotNewConnection() { BError err; bool ok; BString host = ghostName; QString s = host.retStr(); // host = QInputDialog::getText("tsmControlGui", "Enter Host Name:",QLineEdit::Normal,QString::null, &ok, this ); host = QInputDialog::getText("tsmControlGui", "Enter Host Name:",QLineEdit::Normal, s, &ok, this ); if (ok && (host.len() > 0)) { ghostName = host; ocontrol.setHost(host); } if (err = ocontrol.init()) { BString msg = BString("Attempting to conect to (") + host + ")"; warningDialog("Connecting to Remote",err,msg); } } void TmsControlMainWin::configurationChanged() { } void TmsControlMainWin::slotAbout() { BString msg; QImage logo("alphadata_beam_logo.png"); QMessageBox mbox(this); msg = "<p><b>tmsControlGui</b> - Trajectory Measurement System Test Interface</p>"; msg += BString("<p>&copy; BEAM Ltd 2007</p><p>Version: ") + VERSION + "</p>"; mbox.setIconPixmap(logo); mbox.setCaption("About"); mbox.setText(msg.retStr()); mbox.exec(); } void TmsControlMainWin::slotManual() { BIter i; BList<BString> fnames; BString fname; BString cmd; fnames.append("/usr/tms/doc/TmsControlGui.pdf"); fnames.append("./TmsControlGui.pdf"); fnames.append("../doc/TmsControlGui.pdf"); fnames.append("../../doc/TmsControlGui.pdf"); for (fnames.start(i);! fnames.isEnd(i); { if (access(fnames[i].retStr(),R_OK) == 0) { fname = fnames[i]; break; } } if (! fnames.isEnd(i)) { cmd =BString("firefox ") + fname + "&"; system(cmd.retStr()); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, "Warning", "Unable to locate the help files"); } } void TmsControlMainWin::slotTmsManual() { BIter i; BList<BString> fnames; BString fname; BString cmd; fnames.append("/usr/tms/doc/index.html"); fnames.append("./index.html"); fnames.append("../doc/index.html"); fnames.append("../../doc/index.html"); for (fnames.start(i);! fnames.isEnd(i); { if (access(fnames[i].retStr(),R_OK) == 0) { fname = fnames[i]; break; } } if (! fnames.isEnd(i)) { cmd =BString("firefox ") + fname + "&"; system(cmd.retStr()); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, "Warning", "Unable to locate the help files"); } }