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/* * Title: PupeSimulateWin.cpp * Author: M.Thomas BEAM Ltd * Date: 2007-02-13 * * Contents: Status Display * * Mod Rec: * */ #include <PupeSimulateWin.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qvgroupbox.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qfiledialog.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <BFile.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <Globals.h> #include <qgrid.h> #include <TmsLib.h> using namespace Tms; PupeSimulateWin::PupeSimulateWin(QWidget* parent,Control& c) : ocontrol(c) { QGridLayout* grid; QButton* fileSelectButton; QVGroupBox* channelGroup; QVGroupBox* testDataGroup; QVGroupBox* internalTimingsGroup; QVGroupBox* simulationGroup; QGroupBox* tmsGroup; QWidget* w; QGridLayout* v; BString s; int row = 0; setFixedWidth(600); grid = new QGridLayout(this, 5, 3); grid->setMargin(20); grid->setSpacing(20); channelGroup = new QVGroupBox("Pupe Channel", this, "channelGroup"); w = new QWidget(channelGroup, ""); v = new QGridLayout(w); v->setSpacing(10); row = 0; v->addWidget(new QLabel("All Channels", w), row, 0); v->addWidget(oallChannels = new QCheckBox("", w), row, 1); row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Channel Number", w), row, 0); v->addWidget(ochannel = new QSpinBox(1, 60, 1, w, ""), row, 1); ochannel->setWrapping(true); internalTimingsGroup = new QVGroupBox("Internal Timing Control", channelGroup, "internalTimings"); w = new QWidget(internalTimingsGroup,"internalTimingsW"); v = new QGridLayout(w); v->setSpacing(10); row = 0; v->addMultiCellWidget(oadcSysclkSync = new QCheckBox("ADC Clock synchronised to SYSCLK",w,""),row,row,0,1); v->addMultiCellWidget(odisableBlr = new QCheckBox("Disable Blr",w,""),row,row,2,3); row++; row++; v->addWidget(oFref = new QCheckBox("Fref",w,""),row,0); v->addWidget(oHChange = new QCheckBox("H Change",w,""),row,1); v->addWidget(oInjection = new QCheckBox("Injection",w,""),row,2); v->addWidget(oCalStop = new QCheckBox("Cal Stop",w,""),row,3); row++; v->addWidget(oCalStart = new QCheckBox("Cal Start",w,""),row,0); v->addWidget(oCycleStop = new QCheckBox("Cycle Stop",w,""),row,1); v->addWidget(oCycleStart = new QCheckBox("Cycle Start",w,""),row,2); v->addWidget(oClock = new QCheckBox("Clock",w,""),row,3); row++; oiApply = new QPushButton("Apply", internalTimingsGroup,""); oiApply->setMaximumWidth(200); testDataGroup = new QVGroupBox("Internal Test Data", channelGroup, "testData"); w = new QWidget(testDataGroup, "testDataW"); v = new QGridLayout(w); v->setSpacing(10); row = 0; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Test Data file",w), row, 0); v->addWidget(osimulationRamFilename = new QLineEdit(w,"ramfilename"), row, 1); v->addWidget(fileSelectButton = new QPushButton("Select",w,""), row,2); row++; v->addWidget(oloadSimulationRam = new QPushButton("Load Test Data",w,""), row, 0); v->addWidget(oclearSimulationRam = new QPushButton("Clear Test Data",w,""), row, 1); // Simulation simulationGroup = new QVGroupBox("Overal Simulation", this, "simulation"); w = new QWidget(simulationGroup, "simulationW"); v = new QGridLayout(w); v->setSpacing(10); row = 0; v->addWidget(osimTiming = new QCheckBox("Timing",w,""),row,0); v->addWidget(osimData = new QCheckBox("SimData",w,""),row,1); v->addWidget(osimNextCycle = new QCheckBox("SimNextCycle",w,""),row,2); row++; osApply = new QPushButton("Apply", simulationGroup, ""); osApply->setMaximumWidth(200); tmsGroup = new QVGroupBox("TMS Control", this, "tmsControl"); w = new QWidget(tmsGroup, "tmsControlW"); v = new QGridLayout(w); v->setSpacing(10); row = 0; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Initialse TMS System", w), row, 0); v->addWidget(oInitialise = new QPushButton("Initialise TMS",w), row, 1); oInitialise->setMaximumWidth(200); row++; v->addWidget(new QLabel("Current Cycletype", w), row, 0); v->addWidget(ocycleType = new BQComboBox(w), row, 1); v->addWidget(oapplyCycleType = new QPushButton("Apply",w), row, 2); oapplyCycleType->setMaximumWidth(200); row = 0; grid->addWidget(channelGroup, row, 0); row++; grid->addWidget(simulationGroup, row, 0); row++; grid->addWidget(tmsGroup, row, 0); row++; connect(fileSelectButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(selectFile())); connect(oloadSimulationRam,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(loadRam())); connect(oclearSimulationRam,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(clearRam())); connect(oInitialise,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(initialiseTMS())); connect(oiApply,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(applyInternalTimings())); connect(osApply,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(applySimulation())); connect(oapplyCycleType,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(applyCycleType())); connect(oallChannels, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateMaxChannels())); connect(ochannel,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(updateTimingMask())); connect(&ocontrol,SIGNAL(newConnection()),this,SLOT(update())); } PupeSimulateWin::~PupeSimulateWin() {} void PupeSimulateWin::selectFile() { QString s = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( "/usr/tms/data", "Tms Channel Test Data File (*.psd)", this, "open file dialog", "Choose a file" ); osimulationRamFilename->setText(s); } void PupeSimulateWin::show() { QWidget::show(); update(); } void PupeSimulateWin::update() { Tms::Simulation simulation; if (! isVisible()) return; if (updateMaxChannels()) return; if (updateTimingMask()) return; if (updateControlList()) return; if(ocontrol.getSimulation(simulation)) return; osimTiming->setChecked(simulation.timing); osimData->setChecked(; osimNextCycle->setChecked(simulation.setNextCycle); } BError PupeSimulateWin::updateMaxChannels() { BError err; Tms::ConfigInfo info; if(oallChannels->isChecked()){ ochannel->setEnabled(false); } else { ochannel->setEnabled(true); if (err = ocontrol.getConfiguration(info)) { return err; } ochannel->setMaxValue(info.puReferences.size()); } return err; } BError PupeSimulateWin::updateTimingMask() { BError err; Tms::PuChannel puChannel; Tms::PupeConfig pupeConfig; if(err = ocontrol.getPuChannel(ochannel->value(), puChannel)){ warningDialog("Pupe Update Timing Mask - ",err); return err; } if(err = ocontrol.getPupeConfig(puChannel, pupeConfig)){ warningDialog("Pupe Update Timing Mask - ",err); return err; } oadcSysclkSync->setChecked(pupeConfig.adcSysclkSync); odisableBlr->setChecked(pupeConfig.disableBlr); UInt32 mask = pupeConfig.internalTimingMask; oClock->setChecked(mask & TimingSigClock); oCycleStart->setChecked(mask & TimingSigCycleStart); oCycleStop->setChecked(mask & TimingSigCycleStop); oCalStart->setChecked(mask & TimingSigCalStart); oCalStop->setChecked(mask & TimingSigCalStop); oInjection->setChecked(mask & TimingSigInjection); oHChange->setChecked(mask & TimingSigHChange); oFref->setChecked(mask & TimingSigFRef); return err; } BError PupeSimulateWin::updateControlList() { BError err; BIter i; int n = 0; UInt32 cycleNumber; BString cycleType; BList<CycleParamItem> l; if (err = ocontrol.getControlList(l)) { warningDialog("Pupe Get Control List - ",err); return err; } if (err = ocontrol.getCycleInfo(cycleNumber,cycleType)) { warningDialog("Pupe Get Control Info -",err); return err; } ocycleType->clear(); for (l.start(i);! l.isEnd(i); { ocycleType->insertItem(l[i].cycleType.retStr()); if (l[i].cycleType == cycleType) { ocycleType->setCurrentItem(n); } n++; } return err; } void PupeSimulateWin::loadRam() { BError err; BFile f; BString fname; Tms::PuChannel puChannel; BArray< UInt32 > data; int nb; unsigned int c; unsigned int cmax; if(oallChannels->isChecked()){ c = 1; cmax = ochannel->maxValue(); } else { cmax = c = ochannel->value(); } fname = osimulationRamFilename->text().ascii(); if (err =,"r")) { warningDialog("Pupe Test Data - Loading",err); return; } data.resize(1024); if((nb =[0], 1024 * sizeof(UInt32))) <= 0){ err.set(1, BString("Error: Reading 1024 32bit data items from file: ") + fname); warningDialog("Pupe Test Data",err); return; } data.resize(nb / sizeof(UInt32)); for(; c <= cmax; c++){ if(err = ocontrol.getPuChannel(c, puChannel)){ warningDialog(BString("Pupe Load Test Data Channel: ") + c + " : ", err); return; } if (err = ocontrol.setTestData(puChannel,true,data)) { warningDialog(BString("Pupe Load Test Data Channel: ") + c + " : ", err); return; } } gstatusbar->message("Ram Loaded",2000); } void PupeSimulateWin::initialiseTMS() { BError err; if (err = ocontrol.initialiseServer()) { warningDialog("Initialising Server",err); return; } update(); gstatusbar->message("TMS initialised",2000); } void PupeSimulateWin::applyInternalTimings() { BError err; Tms::PuChannel puChannel; Tms::PupeConfig pupeConfig; unsigned int c; unsigned int cmax; if(oallChannels->isChecked()){ c = 1; cmax = ochannel->maxValue(); } else { cmax = c = ochannel->value(); } pupeConfig.internalTimingMask = oClock->isChecked() << 0 | oCycleStart->isChecked() << 1 | oCycleStop->isChecked() << 2 | oCalStart->isChecked() << 3 | oCalStop->isChecked() << 4 | oInjection->isChecked() << 5 | oHChange->isChecked() << 6 | oFref->isChecked() << 7; pupeConfig.adcSysclkSync = oadcSysclkSync->isChecked(); pupeConfig.disableBlr = odisableBlr->isChecked(); for(; c <= cmax; c++){ if(err = ocontrol.getPuChannel(c, puChannel)){ warningDialog(BString("Pupe Apply Timings Channel: ") + c + " : ", err); return; } if(err = ocontrol.setPupeConfig(puChannel, pupeConfig)){ warningDialog(BString("Pupe Apply Timings Channel: ") + c + " : ", err); return; } } gstatusbar->message("Internal Timings Applied",2000); } void PupeSimulateWin::applySimulation(){ BError err; Tms::Simulation simulation; simulation.timing = osimTiming->isChecked(); = osimData->isChecked(); simulation.setNextCycle = osimNextCycle->isChecked(); simulation.cycleType = ""; if(err = ocontrol.setSimulation(simulation)){ warningDialog("Setting Simulation", err); return; } update(); } void PupeSimulateWin::applyCycleType() { BError err; BString ct; BString msg; UInt32 cycleNumber; BString cycleType; #ifdef ZAP // Get current cycle info if(err = ocontrol.getCycleInfo(cycleNumber,cycleType)){ warningDialog("Setting Cycle Type - GetCycleInfo",err); return; } cycleType = ocycleType->currentText().ascii(); cycleNumber++; // Set NextCycle type if(err = ocontrol.setNextCycle(cycleNumber, cycleType)){ warningDialog("Setting Cycle Type - SetNextCycle",err); return; } msg.printf("Next CycleType (%s)\n",cycleType.retStr()); gstatusbar->message(msg.retStr(),2000); #else Tms::Simulation simulation; UInt32 cn; int to = 20; simulation.timing = osimTiming->isChecked(); = osimData->isChecked(); simulation.setNextCycle = osimNextCycle->isChecked(); simulation.cycleType = ocycleType->currentText().ascii(); if(err = ocontrol.setSimulation(simulation)){ warningDialog("Setting Simulation", err); return; } if(err = ocontrol.getCycleInfo(cycleNumber, cycleType)){ warningDialog("Setting Cycle Type - GetCycleInfo",err); return; } cn = cycleNumber; while((cn == cycleNumber) && to--){ if(err = ocontrol.getCycleInfo(cn, cycleType)){ warningDialog("Setting Cycle Type - GetCycleInfo",err); return; } usleep(100000); } update(); #endif } void PupeSimulateWin::clearRam() { BError err; Tms::PuChannel puChannel; BArray< UInt32 > data; unsigned int c; unsigned int cmax; if(oallChannels->isChecked()){ c = 1; cmax = ochannel->maxValue(); } else { cmax = c = ochannel->value(); } for(; c <= cmax; c++){ if(err = ocontrol.getPuChannel(c, puChannel)){ warningDialog(BString("Pupe Clear Test Data Channel: ") + c + " : ", err); return; } if(err = ocontrol.setTestData(puChannel, 0, data)){ warningDialog(BString("Pupe Clear Test Data Channel: ") + c + " : ", err); return; } } gstatusbar->message("Ram Cleared",2000); } void PupeSimulateWin::warningDialog(BString title, BError err){ BString m; m = BString("<h5>") + title + "</h5><p>" + err.getString() + "</p>"; QMessageBox::warning(this, "Warning", m.retStr()); }