

Astronomical FFT processing system

System Hardware installation


This document describes how to install the Astro FFT system hardware.

The Astro FFT system comprises a single 19" rack mountable dual Pentium III PC running the linux operating system. Installed within the unit are the two PCI, FPGA based data aquisition and processing cards. The aquisition cards are in fact three seperate cards - An ADC-PMC-64 PMC-PCI carrier board connected into a one of the PC PCI slots. This carrier card has an PMC format A/D (Analogue to Digital) convertor and ADM-XRC FPGA reconfigurable computer cards loaded.

The unit has the following external connections :-

FunctionConnector TypeComment
KeyboardPS/2Standard PC Keyboard
MousePS/23 Button PS/2 data format
Com1D-Type 9 waySerial port com1
Com2D-Type 9 waySerial port com2
Parallel portD-Type 25 Way 
USBUSBUniversal serial bus
EthernetRJ4510/100Mb/sec Ethernet
Connect to switch
Monitor1D-Type 15 wayPrimary display
Monitor2D-Type 15 waySecondary display
    Clock I/P
SMBAquisition external sample clock
0-5V 1.56 - 50MHz
    Sub Channel 1
SMBAquisition data channel 1
50 Ohms differential,1V Pk-Pk BW 1KHz -25MHz -1db
    Sub Channel 2
SMBAquisition data channel 2
50 Ohms differential,1V Pk-Pk BW 1KHz -25MHz -1db
    FPGA I/F
 Direct access to A/D FPGA Module
    Clock I/P
SMBAquisition external sample clock
0-5V 1.56 - 50MHz
    Sub Channel 1
SMBAquisition data channel 1
50 Ohms differential,1V Pk-Pk BW 1KHz -25MHz -1db
    Sub Channel 2
SMBAquisition data channel 2
50 Ohms differential,1V Pk-Pk BW 1KHz -25MHz -1db
    FPGA I/F
 Direct access to A/D FPGA Module

Ethernet Switch

When the unit has processed data, this data is made available via a network to additional computers. Since potentially a large volume of data can be transmitted a wire speed 5 port ethernet switch is provided. Into this switch should be connected the AstroFFT unit, the remote control/data collation PC, and the local network. Using this scheme ethernet traffic between the AstroFFT and the control PC does not appear on and hence does not load the local network. Connection to the swtich are made via the front panel. Ports 1 to 4 are interchangeable as is port 5 provided the ulink button is set to the NORMAL position. Power to the switch is made using the DC adapter supplied. Netware installation guide.