LibTmsApi 2.3.0 |
BSocket Member List
This is the complete list of members for BSocket, including all inherited members.
accept(int &fd) | BSocket | |
accept(int &fd, BSocketAddress &address) | BSocket | |
bind(const BSocketAddress &add) | BSocket | |
BSocket() | BSocket | |
BSocket(int fd) | BSocket | |
BSocket(NType type) | BSocket | |
BSocket(int domain, int type, int protocol) | BSocket | |
close() | BSocket | |
connect(const BSocketAddress &add) | BSocket | |
DGRAM enum value | BSocket | |
getAddress(BSocketAddress &address) | BSocket | |
getFd() | BSocket | |
getMTU(uint32_t &mtu) | BSocket | |
getSockOpt(int level, int optname, void *optval, unsigned int *optlen) | BSocket | |
init(int domain, int type, int protocol) | BSocket | |
init(NType type) | BSocket | |
listen(int backlog=5) | BSocket | |
NType enum name | BSocket | |
osocket | BSocket | private |
Priority enum name | BSocket | |
PriorityHigh enum value | BSocket | |
PriorityLow enum value | BSocket | |
PriorityNormal enum value | BSocket | |
recv(void *buf, BSize maxbytes, BSize &nbytesRecv, int flags=0) | BSocket | |
recvFrom(BSocketAddress &address, void *buf, BSize maxbytes, BSize &nbytesRecv, int flags=0) | BSocket | |
recvFromWithTimeout(BSocketAddress &address, void *buf, BSize maxbytes, BSize &nbytesRecv, int timeout, int flags=0) | BSocket | |
recvWithTimeout(void *buf, BSize maxbytes, BSize &nbytesRecv, int timeout, int flags=0) | BSocket | |
send(const void *buf, BSize nbytes, BSize &nbytesSent, int flags=0) | BSocket | |
sendTo(const BSocketAddress &address, const void *buf, BSize nbytes, BSize &nbytesSent, int flags=0) | BSocket | |
setBroadCast(int on) | BSocket | |
setFd(int fd) | BSocket | |
setPriority(Priority priority) | BSocket | |
setReuseAddress(int on) | BSocket | |
setSockOpt(int level, int optname, void *optval, unsigned int optlen) | BSocket | |
shutdown(int how) | BSocket | |
STREAM enum value | BSocket | |
~BSocket() | BSocket |
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